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They just auto renewed a domain, which I had the auto renew and turned off. And now they refused to give me my money back. After 30 minutes on a stupid chat! No help
They've increased the price of my hosting by 350% with no notice! They claim the email sent one month before was the notice. There was NO mention that it's an increase.
I was with them for many domains. I AM MOVING ALL OF THEM AWAY!!!!! I renewed a domain and was charged $16.99. Right on the front page it says $11.99. After waiting 35 minutes on stupid chat only support they say must be a mistake in our page no discount for you. That is illegal bait and switch. You are legally required to honor publicly posted prices. No phone number to reach them just super long waits on chat only support BAD MOVE ,GARBAGE, GOOD BYE FOREVER DOTSTER!!!
Contacted Support TWICE - my nameservers were listed with them. After being on the phone for 68 minutes (ON HOLD) I finally hung up! I chatted with their tech support online and they were clueless! They even changed the nameservers on a different domain! These people are in a call center somewhere else in the world, with ZERO technical knowledge. They could not provide ANY assistance and finally told me that the nameservers I had originally were NOT their name servers! Stay away from such a company.
Don't make a change after you buy your domain there.
The web hosting providers I was using required I used their DNS. So when I went to move my website to a new hosting provider I got everything set up at the new location and changed the NS pointers from the old hosting provider to the new one. Within hours, my domain was nuked off the internet. I should have stood by my knowledge on the first domain, but after 5 days of it "propagating" around the net, it still wasn't showing. There is no such thing as propagating, there's a time to live (TTL), when that expires on a DNS, the server goes out looking for a more current record. I finally moved the domain hosting to google domains and amazingly it came alive immediately.
I should have just initiated the google domain change on my second domain. But after a couple of years I thought they would have gotten things worked out. Turns out I was wrong; they hadn't. I ran into the same issue as prior. But this time, I just initiated the change after 12 hours. Their tech support is really good about telling you records need to propagate and they are completely wrong. It's all based on time outs. I'm going to pay the money and have all my domains moved.
Have been with dotster for over 18 years. They found a malware PHP file that is part of a wordpress plug-in and completely suspended my account even URL forwarding stopped working for domains hosted on other sites. No warning, nothing. To fix the problem I would update the plugin but as they stopped everything that could not be done. Their action was completely disproportionate to the problem.
The email from dotster reads:
A recent review of your account xxx uncovered it has been compromised. We found malicious scripts running in the background that appear to be degrading the server performance which is impacting other customers. In order to prevent further abuse/spam, we have suspended your account. A malware report for your account can be found at /stats/websitescan.txt
I had a look at the log file and it reads: Scan started at /lasarcen/wp-content/plugins/wpformscontact/form-ajax.php: SiteLock-PHP-SHELL-abm.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
I have been using Dotster for over 7 years now. My husband recently started a business and used godaddy, it was a nightmare! It was difficult to use and more expensive. I find Dotsters website builder (weebly) easy and has many feature to make our website exactly how I want it. We pay about $10.50 for basic hosting and our domain per month. Godaddy is $13 and isn't nearly as good.